
On this page are samples of publications of my work.  Just open the PDF to get an idea of the first few pages of each book.

Each of these are available as hard copies. Books are printed to high quality photographic print standards.  Just contact me via email or mobile to order (see Buy/Contact for details).

Aotearoa – A Photographer’s Journey Around New Zealand (Second Edition)

Published in September 2024 by smphotoart books.  Available from booksellers throughout New Zealand, or directly (see Buy/Contact).

In this expanded Second Edition around 100 new images/places are included.  As before, the book captures the distinctive character of New Zealand, with iconic landscapes and uniquely ‘kiwi’ images of our towns and cities.  Aotearoa – A Photographer’s Journey is both a collection of alluring images AND a photographic guide to New Zealand’s special places.

The book is A4 size, 30cm x 21cm, and some 260 pages (about 250 images/places).  Price is $49.95 (including GST).

Wellington Places – A Photographic Journey

Published in December 2023 by smphotoart books.  Available from booksellers in the Wellington region and lower North Island, or directly (see Buy/Contact).

‘Wellington Places’ is a beautiful photographic portrayal of the city, but also a book full of ideas about places to visit and experience.  It can be seen as a ‘photographic guide’ to Wellington.  The book is a collection of photographs taken over the last 10 years of so – with each image (or place) being accompanied by a short ‘story’ or caption – which might be about how to find this place, or a little bit about its history, or maybe a comment on our culture or life style.  There is no particular order to the images – rather the book should be seen as a random journey around Wellington and its region, much as if one were exploring bit by bit.

The book is A4 size, 30cm x 21cm, with 175 pages (around 170 images/places). Price is NZ$44.95 (including GST).

Aotearoa – A Photographer’s Journey Around New Zealand

Published November 2019 by New Holland Publishers. This first Edition is now out of print.

This book is a unique collection of New Zealand landscapes and city/small town images. Over the last 10 years or so I have travelled around New Zealand capturing both our beautiful landscapes and the unique character of our small towns and cities. These images are put together in ‘Aotearoa – A Photographer’s Journey…’. This hardback book is roughly A4 size, 30cm x 21cm, with a total of 215 pages (some 200+ images). Price is NZ$49.99 (including GST).

The Wandering Photographer

Published 2018.

A sample of NZ landscape, still life and macro/fine art images.  A4 size (30cm x 21cm) with 30 large images and 30 small images.  Total 66 pages.  Price NZ$30.00 (including GST).

The Eclectic Photographer

Published 2016.

A sample of NZ landscape, still life and macro/fine art images.  A4 size (30cm x 21cm) with 30 large images and 30 small images.  Total 64 pages.  Price NZ$30.00 (including GST).


The Obsessional Photographer

Published 2015.

A sample of NZ landscape, still life and macro/fine art images.  A4 size (30cm x 21cm) with 25 large images and 25 small images.  Total 54 pages.  Price NZ$25.00 (including GST).


nzphotoart – landscape and fine art images from New Zealand

Published 2014.

This is a large, beautiful book of New Zealand images.  The book is A3 size (42cm x 30cm) and comes with four interchangeable images that can be inserted into the cover.  There are 82 large images and 82 small images.  Total 171 pages.  Price NZ$175.00 (including GST).
